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Directors Lab West 2003
May 17 – 24, 2003
Creators and Collaborators
Core Text:
Our Town
by Thorton Wilder
DLW 2003 Program

Photos, Videos & More Coming Soon!
DLW 2003 Quote Book
Directors Lab West 2003 was produced by the Steering Committee, in association with Pasadena Playhouse and Boston Court Performing Arts Center.
Special financial support for Directors Lab West has been received from the Stage Directors & Choreographers Society.
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Producing Steering Committee
Nick D'Abruzzo, Founder
Ernest Figueroa, Founder
Kappy Kilburn, Founder
Andrew Sachs, Founder
Production Coordinator
Jessica Bard
Simon Burzynski
Travis Hammer
Todd Kulczyk
Marah Morris
"Creators and Collaborators" LAB 2003 - Directors Lab West 2003 was held from Saturday, May 17 through Saturday, May 24, 2003, at Pasadena Playhouse and the Boston Court Performing Arts Center. The theme for 2003 was "Creators and Collaborators" and we workshopped, discussed and developed new ideas for collaboration with other artists. Notable Actors and Directors participated in these sessions and shared their experiences. Sessions and guests from the lab included: Sheldon Epps; Anne Cattaneo; "The Tempest" workshops led by Dakin Matthews and Lisa Wolpe, Andrew Barnicle, John Sylvain; Kim Weild and Suzuki/Viewpoints; George Furth, Eddie Levi Lee, Bill Rausch, Luis Alfaro, Velina Hasu Houston, David Ira Goldstein, Shirley Jo Finney, Larry Moss, and Randy Dixon. The source texts for 2003 were Shakespeare's "The Tempest" and Thornton Wilder's "Our Town.
Lab Participants
Virginia Abascal
Shango Amin
Marc Bruni
Ayanna Cahrr
Betsey Cassell
Loren E. Chadima
Mike Chamberlain
Nancy Cheryll Davis-Bellamy
Debra Deliso
Deanna Duplechain
David Fisher
David Gautschy
Chuch Harper
Elizabeth Bell
Mary Huls
Christopher Jenkins
Andy Jenson
Tanya Kane-Perry
William Katt
Leigh Kennicott
Jerry Kernion
Simon Levy
Ellen Locy
Jessie Marion
Brad McEntire
Peter McLean
BP Mendoza
Janet Miller
David Moore
Sarah O'Connell
Susan Park
Meredith Anne Patt
Sacha Reich
Stan Roth
Caprice Spenser Rothe
Jessica Sage
Marianne Savell
Rick Sparks
Ann Giselle Speigler
Ann Tracy
Michael Wallot
Mike Ward
William White
Kelly Williams
Mark Jared Zufelt
Guest Artists
Luis Alfaro
Andrew Barnicle
Francois Bergeron
Charles Berliner
Anne Cattaneo
Leigh Curran
Randy Dixon
Bo Eason
Sheldon Epps
Francesca Faridany
Shirley Jo Finney
Brendon Fox
Pamela Gien
Taylor Gilbert
David Ira Goldstein
Darryl Hickman
Kelly Hazen
Velina Hasu Houston
Beth Hogan
John Iacovelli
John Kellam
Jessica Kubzansky
Levi Lee
Karen Lund
Dakin Matthews
Carl Mergenthaler
Larry Moss
Bill Rauch
Greg Reiner
Tony Rizzi
Gary Socol
Ron Sossi
Jenny Sullivan
John Sylvain
Stephen Wadsworth
Kate Warner
Kim Weild
Scott Whitney
Lisa Wolpe