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Directors Lab West 2005
May 21-28, 2005
Style and Substance
Core Text:
by William Shakespeare

Photos, Videos & More Coming Soon!
DLW 2005 Program
DLW 2005 Quote Book
Directors Lab West 2005 was produced by the Steering Committee, in association with Pasadena Playhouse and Boston Court Performing Arts Center.
Special financial support for Directors Lab West has been received from the Stage Directors & Choreographers Society.
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Producing Steering Committee
Nick D'Abruzzo, Founder
Ernest Figueroa, Founder
Kappy Kilburn, Founder
Andrew Sachs, Founder
Production Coordinators
Jessica Bard
Bevin Bluemer
Travis Hammer
Tayo Jolaosho
Samantha Tella
Hope Villanueva
"Style and Substance" LAB 2005 - Directors Lab West 2005 was held from Saturday, May 21 through Saturday, May 28, 2005, at Pasadena Playhouse and the Boston Court Performing Arts Center. The theme for 2005 was "Style and Substance". Guests of the 2005 the lab included: Garry Marshall, Sheldon Epps, Gordon Davidson, Michael Ritchie, Randy Dixon, Mary Overlie, Ming Cho Lee, Dakin Matthews, Philip Himburg, Joe Hortua, Frank Dwyer, Geoffrey Johnson, David Ira Goldstein and John Fleck. The source text for 2005 was the classic "Macbeth".
Lab Participants
Lindsay Allbaugh
Darin Anthony
Suzan Averitt
Jennifer Berry
James Carey
Abraham Celaya
Esther Chae
Veronica Chambers
Stanley Bennett Clay
David Colwell
Genevieve Compton
Michael Cooper
Bill Costanza
Krista Cowan
Bryan Davidson
Suzanna Delle
Ryan Dixon
Joshua Finkel
Sean Gaffney
Marianna Galloway
Melinda Hall
Lauren Hollingsworth
Elizabeth Huffman
Stan Kelly
Jon Wai-Leung Lowe
Katherine Murphy
Damaso Rodriguez
Elisabet Sevholt
Michele Shay
Scott Alan Smith
Michele Spears
Joshua Tarjan
Susanna Wilson-Lapan
Guest Artists
Jesse Aasheim
John Achorn
Che'rae Adams
Lisa Baines
Wilson Bell
Alexis Chamow
Kyle Colerider-Krugh
Gordon Davidson
Randy Dixon
Geoff Elliot
Sheldon Epps
John Fleck
Brendon Fox
David Ira Goldstein
Michelle Ganer
Chuck Harper
Harriet Harris
Philip Himburg
Joe Hortua
Mary Huls
Julie Iezzi
Geoffrey Johnson
Jack Kandel
Tanya Kane-Perry
Caroline Lagerfelt
Edgar Landa
Ming Cho Lee
Caroline Liem
Blacke Lindsley
Karen Lund
Art Manke
Garry Marshall
Christopher Nixon
Dan Oliverio
Arianna Ortiz
Mary Overlie
John Palmer
Doug Paterson
Michael Ritchie
Trefoni Rizzi
Julia Rodriguez
Ken Roht
Phyllis Schuringa
Michele Shay
Casey Smith
Larry Sousa
Nick Stonnington
Lisa Wolpe