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Directors Lab West 2007
May 19-26, 2007
Beyond Boundaries
Core Text:
The Tempest
by William Shakespeare
DLW 2007 Program
DLW 2007 Quote Book
Directors Lab West 2007 was produced by the Steering Committee, in association with Pasadena Playhouse and Boston Court Performing Arts Center.
Special financial support for Directors Lab West has been received from the Stage Directors & Choreographers Society.
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Producing Steering Committee
Nick D'Abruzzo, Founder
Ernest Figueroa, Founder
Kappy Kilburn, Founder
Andrew Sachs, Founder
Associate Producers
Alexis Chamow
Brendon Fox
Lisa Wolpe
Production Coordinator
Jessica Bard
Laurie Lynch
Elissa Weinzimmer
Scott Zenreich

Photos, Videos & More Coming Soon!
"Beyond Boundaries" LAB 2007 - Directors Lab West 2007 was held from Saturday, May 19 through Saturday, May 26, 2007, at Pasadena Playhouse and the Boston Court Performing Arts Center. The theme for 2007 was "Beyond Boundaries". The text for this session was "The Tempest". Notable Actors, Directors, Designers and Choreographers participated in these sessions and shared their experiences. Guests of the 2007 the lab included: Sheldon Epps, David Diamond, Michael Butler, Randy Dixon, David Henry Hwang, Leigh Silverman, Michael John Garces, Michael Ritchie, Stephen Wadsworth, John Malpede and Oz Scott.
Lab Participants
Eric Augusztiny
Lynn Ann Bernatowicz
Nancy Carlin
Andi Chapman
Douglas Clayton
Daniel Cohen
Patricia Dooley
Jennifer Epps
Lynn Hamrick
Katrin Hilbe
Brian Lohmann
Tony Macy-Perez
Alisa Matlosky
Carmen Milito
Thomas Parham
Janet Roston
Richard Schultz
Micki Selvitella
Shana Solomon
Melanie Sutherland
Christien Sweeney
Nicole Wiley
Daniel Winerman
Eve Zapulla
Guest Artists
Che'Rae Adams
Rosalind Ayres
Mickey Birnbaum
Andrew Borba
Amy Brenneman
Michael Butler
Rex Camphius
Andrew Carter
Tim Dang
David Diamond
John DiFusco
Michael Donovan
Erik Ehn
Sheldon Epps
Michael John Garces
Aloysia Gavre
Grant Gershon
Angels Goethals
Harry Groener
Mark Harelik
David Henry Hwang
Gregory Itzin
Carrie Klewin
Jessica Kubzansky
John Malpede
Tony Manoli
Saundra McClain
Ivan Menchel
Ken Merckx
Tony Palermo
Pyllis Schuringa
Oz Scott
Adriana Sevan
Leigh Silverman
Eric Simonson
Stephen Wadsworth
Libby West