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Directors Lab West 2008
May 17 – 24, 2008
Back to Basics
Core Text:
by Anonymous
Directors Lab West 2008 was produced by the Steering Committee, in association with Pasadena Playhouse and Boston Court Performing Arts Center.
Special financial support for Directors Lab West has been received from the Stage Directors & Choreographers Society.
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Producing Steering Committee
CNick D'Abruzzo, Founder
Ernest Figueroa, Founder
Brendon Fox
Kappy Kilburn, Founder
Andrew Sachs, Founder
Production Coordinator
Jessica Bard
Peter Calandra
Katheryn Morton
Kate Reiner
DLW 2008 Program
DLW 2008 Quote Book

Photos, Videos & More Coming Soon!
"Back To Basics" LAB 2008 - Directors Lab West 2008 was held from Saturday, May 17 through, Saturday, May 24, 2008, at Pasadena Playhouse and the Boston Court Performing Arts Complex. The theme for 2008 was "Back to Basics". The text for this session was "Everyman". Notable Actors, Directors, Designers and Choreographers participated in these sessions and shared their experiences. Guests of the 2008 the lab included: Velina Hasu Houston, Erik Ehn, Hector Elizondo, Tonya Pinkins, Henry Winkler, Diane Namm, Michael John Garces, Aloysia Gavre, and Sheldon Epps.
Lab Participants
Mark Branner
Rylan Brenner
Melinda Buckley
Bruce Coughran
Mary Jo Duprey
Stephen Elton
Robert Estes
Victoria Hochberg
Cindy Marie Jenkins
Suzanne Karpinski
Dan Kirsch
Talya Klein
Monique Kleinhans
Ron Klier
Larissa Kokernot
Sharon Lennon
Regge Life
Cathy Linder
Jeff Liu
Michael Matthews
Obi Ndefo
Carla Nell
Dan O'Connor
Mira-Lani Oglesby
Jonas Oppenheim
Theresa Reid
Alex Rogals
Carol Roscoe
Tamara Sibley
Lennon Smith
Jeff Speetjens
Paul Nicolai Stein
Ashley Teague
James Vasquez
Johnny Warriner
Amanda Weier
Alexander Wells
Guest Artists
Angela Batravil
Gleason Bauer
Jeanette Bent
Daniel Bourque
Park Bofield
Alessandra Colasanti
Angela Cruz
Shira Dubrovner
Rebecca Ennals
Megan Finlay
Dan Fishbach
Gayla Goehl
Kim Hale
Caitlin Hart
Rebecca Hayes
Lisa Hopkins
Kyle Lewis
Maja Milatovic-Ovadia
Turner Munch
Elisabeth Nails
Natasha Norman
Willow Norton
Jan O'Connor
Walter Painter
Monica Payne
Keshuv Prasad
Sabina Ptasznik
Katja Rivera
Brian Robertson
Adam Smith
Daniel Stone
Lisa Szolovits
Amy Clare Tasker
Samantha Tella
Randee Trabitz
Wolfgang Wachalovsky
Diana Wyenn