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Directors Lab West 2015
May 23-30, 2015
Beyond the Proscenium: From Spare to Spectacle
Core Text:
Waiting for Godot
Directors Lab West 2015 was produced by the Steering Committee, in association with Pasadena Playhouse, Boston Court Performing Arts Center, A Noise Within and Cal State Los Angeles.
Special financial support for Directors Lab West has been received from the Stage Directors & Choreographers Society.
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Producing Steering Committee
Che'Rae Adams
Douglas Clayton
Ernest Figueroa, Founder
Janet Miller
Diana Wyenn
Associate Producers
Gregg Daniel
Edgar Landa
Debbie McMahon
Doug Oliphant
Production Coordinators
Courtney Buchan
Jenny Lester (assistant)
Elizabeth Birmingham
Lily Comeau
Julie Ouellette
DLW 2015 Program
DLW 2015 Quote Book

Photos, Videos & More Coming Soon!
"Beyond the Proscenium: from Spare to Spectacle" LAB 2015- Directors Lab West 2015 was held from Saturday, May 23 through Saturday, May 30, 2015, at Pasadena Playhouse, A Noise Within, Cal State LA and the Boston Court Performing Arts Center. The theme for 2015 was "Beyond the Proscenium: from Sapre to Spectacle". The text for this session was "Waiting for Godot". Notable Actors, Directors, Designers and Choreographers participated in these sessions and shared their experiences. Guests of the 2015 Lab included: Anne Cattaneo, Heidi Duckler, Sabra Williams, Luke Yankee, Scott Davidson, Tanya Kane-Parry, Diane Rodriguez, and Sheldon Epps. The SDC Open Session was a conversation with Alan Mandell.
Lab Participants
Robin Armstrong
Karen Bain
Stephen Bishop
Stephanie Card
Sarah Chichester
Candice Clasby
Glen Coffman
Adriana Isabel Colón
Rebecca Cunningham
Annalisa Dias
John Dyer V
Larissa FastHorse
Michael French
Kate Sullivan Gibbens
Tasha Gordon-Solmon
Lucy Gram
Troy Heard
Kelly Herman
Julianne Homeokay
Donna Simone Johnson
Ameenah Kaplan
Linda Kerns
Noelle Marie Kerr
Matthew Krinsky
Annie Lareau
Scott Leggett
Frances Loy
Marjo-Riikka Makela
Mark McClain Wilson
Erin Murray
Polly Noonan
Carla Nuess
Thomas James O’Leary
Laurel Ollstein
Danielle Ozymandias
Jason Peck
Elissa Anne Polansky
Jennifer Sassaman
Avivit Shaked
Tracy Silver
Matthew Singletary
Erin Speer
Rachel Teumim
Cole Wimpee
Ruff Yeager
Guest Artists
Matt Almos
Luis Alfaro
Anne Cattaneo
Juliette Carrillo
Scott Davidson
Heidi Duckler
Holly Poe Durbin
Sarah Elgart
Sheldon Epps
John Gilkey
Ryan Heffington
Andy Horowitz
Tanya Kane-Parry
Michael Kass
Larissa Kokernot
Stephan Koplowitz
Tina Kronis
Jessica Kubzansky
Debbie McMahon
Alan Mandell
Christine Marie
Marya Mazor
Paul Millet
Cricket Myers
Mark Nassar
Dan O’Connor
Nick A. Olivero
Jonas Oppenheim
Doyle Ott
Erika Beth Phillips
Trefoni Rizzi
Diane Rodriguez
Seema Sueko
Sabra Williams
Diana Wyenn
Luke Yankee
Steven Young