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Directors Lab West 2018
May 19-26, 2018
Our Significant Others
Core Text:
by Suzan-Lori Parks
DLW 2018 Program
DLW 2018 Quote Book
Directors Lab West 2018 was produced by the Steering Committee, in association with Pasadena Playhouse, Center Theatre Group, The Music Center, and Boston Court Pasadena.
Special financial support for Directors Lab West has been received from the Stage Directors & Choreographers Society.
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Producing Steering Committee
Che'Rae Adams
Ernest Figueroa, Founder
Janet Miller
Diana Wyenn
Associate Producers
Martin Jago
Donna Simone Johnson
Gary Lamb
Doug Oliphant
Debbie McMahon
Matt Ritchey
Randee Trabitz
Production Coordinator
Kayli Ennis
Dalia Anderton
Polly Johnsen
Zoe Lesser

"Our Significant Others" LAB 2018- Directors Lab West 2018 was held from Saturday, May 19 through Saturday, May 26, 2018, at Pasadena Playhouse, Center Theatre Group, The Music Center, and the Boston Court Pasadena. The theme for 2008 was "Our Significant Others". The text for this session was "Top Dog, Under Dog". Notable Actors, Directors, Designers and Choreographers participated in these sessions and shared their experiences. Guests of the 2018 Lab included: An entire panle of local theatre companies run by significan others, Vincent Paterson, Yael Pardess, Kay Cole, , Gregg T. Daniel, Evelina Fernández, Richard Montoya, David Bridel, Meredith Greenburg, Paul Zaloom, Richard Montoya, Michael John Garcés, and Danny Feldman. The SDC Open Session was a conversation with Vincent Paterson.
Lab Participants
Melanie Armer
Daniela Atiencia
Allison Bergman
Carly Bodnar
Juan Castaneda
Robin Conrad
Keila Cordova
Andrea Isadora Crocker
Reena Dutt
Malik El-Amin B.
Lia Sima Fakhouri
Alex S. Freeman
Gustavo Friendenberg
Jose A. Galvan Pulido
Dianna Garten
Sophie Goldstein
Daniel Graham
Mary Guzman
Tannis Hanson
Alex Lee Hare
Polly Len Heinkel
Jessica Jung
Adam Kerbel
Jenny Krack
Mika Laulainen
Zoe Lesser
Andrew Logan
Hannah Logan
Claytie Mason
Michael Matthys
Christine McBurney
Michael McClain
J.P. McLaurin
Adam Parker
Andrew Pearson
Sean Pollock
Kiff Scholl
Jacob Smith
Jeneffa Soldatic
Peabody Southwell
Whitney Stone
Elena Velasco
Drew Weinstein
Suzanne Withem
Gina Young
Guest Artists
Dawn Alden
Luis Alfaro
Carolyn Almos
Matt Almos
John Ballinger
Kate Barrett
David Bridel
Rex Camphuis
Larry Carpenter
Melissa Chalsma
Ann Closs-Farley
Kay Cole
Lisa Dalton
Tim Dang
Gregg T. Daniel
Jessica Emmanuel
Danny Feldman
Evelina Fernández
Sheetal Gandhi
Michael John Garcés
Aloysia Gavre
Meredith Greenburg
Nikki Hyde
Lynn Jeffries
Donna Simone Johnson
Veralyn Jones
Laura Karlin
Jessica Kubzansky
Christopher Kuhl
Edgar Landa
Kitty McNamee
Debbie McMahon
David Melville
Michael Michetti
Richard Montoya
Cricket Myers
David O.
Dan O’Connor
Vincent Paterson
Edi Patterson
Yael Pardess
Doug Peck
Trefoni Michael Rizzi
Diane Rodriguez
Janet Roston
Lauren Rubin
Ric Salines
Herbert Siguenza
José Luis Valenzuela
Sabina Zuniga Varela
Joann Yarrow
Paul Zaloom