Our Archives
20+ years of inspiring the future of the American Theatre
From its start in 2000 under the wing of the Lincoln Center Theater Directors Lab, Directors Lab West has grown to boast over 500 alumni across the world, and is now funded through the generous support of the Stage Directors & Choreographers Society. Designed as an interactive forum to engage emerging directors in an intensive study of their craft and to foster collaborative relationships among a community of artists, session topics include broad issues such as producing theater, working with writers and dramaturges, the relationship between actors and directors, movement, design and as specific as diversity in Los Angeles Theater; while Speakers and Panelists have ranged from Writers, Actors, Artistic Directors, Critics, Dramaturgs, Designers, Directors, and Choreographers to Actors Equity, Theatre LA, LA Stage Alliance, Theatre Communications Group and more.
Every year the lab has grown and expanded its reach, often bringing back alumni of the lab to be panelists and presenters. Directors Lab West sessions have seen the spawning of new theater companies, the building of stronger relationships within individual communities and the forming of friendships that span careers and lifetimes.
This archive serves not only as a record not only of each session, but as a resource for following our alumni as they follow their paths and their passions, and fulfill their destiny as the Future of the American Theatre.
Click for past DLW Alumni
Click for theaters that have hosted DLW sessions
Click for past DLW Artistic Contributors

Alumni from all 20 years of Directors Lab West!

Celebrate Directors Lab West's 20th Anniversary with memories from our first 20 years of the Lab!