Stay Connected with Directors Lab West!
Our Labbies, Alumni, and greater Director Lab members are up to some great work. Stay up to date with stories of the Director's Lab West community!
Congratulations to Artistic Advisory Committee member Vincent Paterson on his upcoming book release!
Icons and Instincts: Choreographing and Directing Entertainment's Biggest Stars by Vincent Paterson with Amy Tofte is a fascinating dive into the heart of the world of dance. After coming to dance late in life, an exceptional turn as a lead dancer in Michael Jackson's Beat It music video, and much hard work, Vincent became a choreographer and director for the world's greatest singers, as well as cinema and musical comedy.
We have been honored to have Vincent speak with our members several times; now everyone has access to his stories and wisdom. Icons and Instincts is now available and authors Amy Tofte and Vincent will sign pre orders when ordered through RareBirdLit at the link below.
Lincoln Center's Directors Lab
with Anne Cattaneo

On Wednesday May 2, 2018, The Segal Center In New York, in partnership with HowlRound, sponsored a retrospective on the work and legacy of the Lincoln Center Theater Directors Lab. At this event Lincoln Center Theater Directors Lab founder Anne Cattaneo and members of previous Labs discussed the profound influence the NY-LCT Directors Lab and its various off-shoots have had on the American theatre and internationally. The event included various testimonials and featured comments from Directors Lab West Founders Ernest Figueroa and Kappy Kilburn. Click above to view this event.
Looking for Other Labs?

DLW Steering Committee Member Che’Rae Adams Named PlayPenn Artistic Director
Our own Che'Rae Adams is joining the PlayPenn Team as the Artistic Director! Read the full press release here.
“My Own Directions: A Black Man’s Journey in the American Theatre.” - Sheldon Epps New Book Available Now.
Life in the theatre is often a rollercoaster ride, with all the excitement and occasional anguish that come with the highs and lows. The author's journey in the American theatre has been amplified by his experience as a Black man who has frequently been "one of the few," "the first" or even "the only." His directing career has been full of rewards and opportunities as well as huge challenges and frustrations, along with the anger that has come from being "chased by race" for so many years. Much of the author's experience comes from two decades artistic director of Pasadena Playhouse, one of the oldest and well-known theatres in America, and for a time early in his career, one of the whitest. This is the story of how the author came into leadership at Pasadena Playhouse after a successful career directing on Broadway, in London and all over the world. It relates how the theatre was radically changed and reignited by his leadership, including his insistence on making diversity a priority onstage and off. This is the very personal story of a person who wanted his race to be recognized, but never used as a reason to be less than fully respected. In many ways, this memoir tells the story of what people of color in America must face repeatedly to make their lives matter.
#DLWConnects was an 8-day series of live-streamed and archived conversations crafted for and by theater directors and choreographers that took place at beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, in May of 2020. All events were recorded and are available HERE.
ALUMNI, have news to share? Tell us!

If you would like your work to be featured the DLW Connections page, email a short description and an image to directorslabwest@gmail.com
Steering Committee of Directors Lab West Pays Tribute to Herb Isaacs

In the year 2000, when Directors Lab West was launched, the Steering Committee stood at the door of the Greenway Court Theatre wondering if anyone would show up.
But come they did, mid-career and emerging directors and choreographers from a wide variety of backgrounds, cultures and experiences.
One of our more seasoned ‘emerging’ directors was Herb Isaacs who, with a wealth of experience, demonstrated he was also one of the wisest and enthusiastic artists we were to meet.
Through the years Herb became one of the most steadfast supporters of Directors Lab West and proved to be an ongoing advocate for others.
In the years following through every interaction he enriched all who knew him. It was clear his involvement with the theater was his secret to remaining forever young.
We last saw him at our 20th year celebration in 2019 where he can be prominently seen in our all-alumni photo. We will greatly miss him.
- The Steering Committee of Directors Lab West